E-Commerce Solution

Let's earn in your pyjamas with E-Commerce

The cost of owning an online store is getting more affordable thanks to the advancement of technology. Apply IT is able to provide you a surely affordable and cost effective solution for your e-commerce needs. Our solution is packed with all the advanced feature what an e-commerce platform will need such as carting system, automatic shipping cost calculation, product comparison, promotional items etc.

Online shopping is slowly marching into Malaysia. The trend is catching up as more youngsters are having more spending power, electronic payment is becoming more secured as well as the portability and fidelity of mobile Internet everywhere! Do not under-estimate the power of online shopping can bring to your existing businesses. Looking at the rate of long working hours people have around us, imagine the time caught in traffic going out for shopping. There is no longer a “why”, people will rely more on online shopping for the days to come. Internet is available everywhere, people do shopping online when they’re resting at their office, people do shopping online when they’re commuting to work, or at least, the passengers (no using of mobile phone while driving folks).

Tagging together with our Website Development, you will enjoy fully automated online store without needing your intervention at all. We can do the Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing (eg: facebook) and all other technical supports from domain, hosting to installation.

At Apply IT, It “definitely” will grows your business with our e-commerce solutions.